January 2007, MSN was flashing: “My brother ran into an old friend who works for AC Milan, he said he can get us into a game whenever we want.” The message was from Salvatore, a childhood friend who was a neighbour at my summer home in Belvedere Marittimo. The rest of the year we lived 6 hours apart, he in Nocera Inferiore and I in Cosenza. I was so excited I immediately checked my calendar and realized I had a break in March.
“March? Let’s go to the second leg of the semifinal!” was Salvatore’s immediate reaction.
“But how will we make it without Sheva?” I retorted.
“Semifinal, second leg!” he insisted.
“Well, let’s pencil in March, anyway” I conceded.
“Semifinal, second leg!” he was adamant.
And that is how our first time at San Siro coincided with the perfect match.
by Alessandro Mari
And so, stubbornness was rewarded with one of the best "first times at San Siro". Alessandro, you should be forever grateful to Salvatore for having such foresight and cherish the memories of that experience.
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