AC Milan has made a donation to the Associazione SVS Donna Aiuta Donna Onlus to help women victims of violence get back on their feet.
The Associazione SVS Donna Aiuta Donna Onlus operates alongside the Soccorso Violenza Sessuale e Domestica (SVSeD) centre of the Policlinico di Milano - managed by Dr. Alessandra Kustermann at the Mangiagalli clinic– since 1997. The organization aims to give abused women a chance to build a future through employment and to help them undertake a process of recovery of self-esteem and independence.
Before the pandemic, many women who reported their abusers and asked for help contacting the SVSeD were able to start a process to rebuild their lives and the lives of their children with the help of Associazione SVS Donna Aiuta Donna Onlus. Many of them managed to start working again, sign their first contract, or start an internship.
However, due to the economic crisis resulting from the lockdown, many of these women are now struggling again. Their path towards independence has been stopped abruptly, leading to many daily issues, including difficulties in paying their rent and/or bills and in some cases even in buying essential goods.
Martino Roghi, CSR Manager AC Milan, said: "This donation is our way to say thank you to SVSeD for the vital, concrete and daily contribution that Dr. Kustermann and all the staff of the centre and of the SVS DAD ONLUS. They all dedicate themselves to the needs of women and their children, both in the early stages of the emergency and above all afterwards, so that the victims no longer feel as such and are not left alone. This project, which allows women to continue along the path towards autonomy, shares the same values that are part of our DNA: respect and inclusion."
Dr. Alessandra Kustermann added: "Today, donations are more than welcome and more useful than ever as they allow us to help women who are leaving behind their past of violence and abuse to pay rents, bills and babysitters and to support their children both with tools for distance education and psychological and school care. Substantial donations like that of AC Milan allow us to continue the long work of supporting women and minors to build a new, more independent and good life, away from violence."